Most things have gone more worst than before since Nepal is gaining its new name the so-called New Nepal.People have hoped for a riot less and serene ambiance to work on.But i don't think it'll be wrong saying that the situation has gone bad from worst.As there occurs more strikes and riots than before in very small and minor topics like:normal community problem of water supply,road accidents and so on which could have been solved in the local levels and with some hard and fast rules and regulations and are minor in front of the national matters.I am afraid that the culture of road exhibitions and strikes has been developing in the citizens of the New-Nepal rampantly.It's obvious and true to protest against the bad system and the social evils to create a elite and developed society but there are better ways to protest than we are doing now and that we can think.Moreover what I think is that Nepal is now just being busy to resolve its domestic problem.And it should also give its domestic ados its primary priority as a family with internal conflicts cannot make good link with the society.But it's sad to say that the domestic ados are increasing rather than to decrease.So when could Nepal think to make a good diplomatic relationship with other neighboring countries.And because of that too,Nepal is being used by its some of the countries.But no one can speak because the government is weak and unstable.And for those who dare to speak and speaks,their words are not given due attention and executed.I don't think it'll be bad saying that the its easy to make decisions in New Nepal but difficult to draw the action and even impossible in some cases.Lots are there to be written which I shall be writing in the days to come.